Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kimchi soup

Hi,everyone! mum and I created our own recipe for cooking kimchi as a soup.Kimchi is a spicy foods of Korea(for me is too spicy) maybe is the brand my uncle bought to maybe I should try other brands.My uncle bought me a packet of kimchi..but I think most of them who went to Korea will bring some kimchi back because I think it is Korean's traditional foods.When my uncle bought us the kimchi we were thinking of what kind of dishes can we make...finally,my mum think of a kimchi soup.
  1. cut some tomato,potato,and carrot into slice or cube
  2. wash (I washed because for me it taste too spicy) and cut the kimchi into slice or cube
  3. put the kimchi into a pot and pour some water.
  4. then put tomato,potato,and carrot into the pot too.
  5. add some sugar,salt, and abit of soya source.
  6. then cook it for half an hour if you want you can also add some fishcake .
  7. done and enjoy it!

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