Friday, March 9, 2012

Say Heels!!

I was attracted by the sound and the shape of the high heels..
There many types of high heels..
Human is creative right!!??Normally people use to wear the forth.For me the third and the fourth are my favourite.The sixth is imposible to wear.

This shoe I have been looking for few months!It doesnt sell in my country too bad right!!This shoe is kinda rough not too lady or too formal just nice.The more important is that the heel is thick like a pilling to other shoes.I saw the website there were several colour pink,blue,grey,white and more.It is nice too collect heels especially the shoes you love!!

I dont know what kind of shoe is this but it just kind of disgusting!><..

I think most of the women has consideration for before they wear the heels that what will happen if they fall down infront of public??! I have that consideration because high heels are one of the thing that make us me on top of one needle imagine.Heels are beautiful but it is more "beautiful" when you got down to the floor.

Jimmy Choo.

Miu Miu

Prada,I love Prada!It's just amazing!
simple design but with perfect details.
I love it!

Alexander McQueen

                                              My Mango.Atually I am not chosing this colour but this is the remain.haiz...but I love it..thx to my parents!So when you are choosing your heels try to chose something that is simple because it wont fogyism.

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