Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 1 of My Holidays

My holidays are going to end this Sunday will be the last day..
OMG I still havent finish my assignment!!
Now I am going to share my holidays' diary...♥

Day 1
I came back from parents brought me for shopping everyday..
Thx you so so guys so busy but still companied me...thx!!
With all this I have to study wonder how...others are better than me or not...I just have to base on my own...!!fighting..
Me with naked makeup.
Happy birthday san yi!!! We celebrated my aunt birthday..before that it was my boyfriend's birthday happy birthday to you too..♥
I have eaten your part..^^
tastes really great California ...Walnut

My babies favourite...bacon..I prefer this brand because it is not expansive and it smell great..the main thing is my babies love it!!The brown colour thing is the "greenish"that my babies use to brush the teeth.
My boyfriend's mum make me Chinese New Year cookies.!damn nice...bluberry with nuts.
This is my holidays...^^ ...><...

tops:forever 21

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