Sunday, November 18, 2012

First blog from note 2

Hooray, I just posted my first blog from my note 2! Okay I know it sounds hilarious but I have been trying to blog by using different devices and technologies. However all of them didnt work well. And now my note 2 works well for me hahahahhahahaha.. I feel so good to note right now..hahahhah

Okay, back to the topic :)

I havent try iphone 5 yet but I wish I will have a chance to try it soon. Be honest iphone 5 didnt attract my attention. From the appearence it looks great with a larger and slimmer screen ( I prefer the black iphone 5).

Other than that, no much different at all. The only different that shock me is the PRICE. The price is damn expansive compare to my note 2.  This is just my opinions; )

Awwww I have to go back to kl already!! I confused with the feeling I have now..haizzz...I feel sad because I have to leave my home sweer home and my comfort zone..but I am happy because I can meet my friends in school. Okay, I will try to be positive and happy because this is my last sem :)  miss all my friends so much.

New Samsung Galaxy note 2 :)

Okay, I have been few months didnt update my blog! Dont worried with the help of galaxy note 2, which allows me to connect and easily update my blog :) <3 okay first of all I am not a  " phone and technology lover or supporter" however I did love samsung galaxy note 1 and 2 ♥ The only problem for samsung galxy note is that..both are toooooo big...thus this is the reason I lost my note last month.

Till now..the only different I notice between galaxy note 1 and 2 is that note 2 has a very sensitive and exellent screen detective. Oya also the galaxy note 2 allows me to view the full fb profile since note 1 and tab only allows ne to view certain things and announce in fb. Beside the, the camera is much more clear which I feel at the moment..still need to observe ..

And here I want to thx my parents which contribute their money to buy me a new note2 and trust their careless daughter again ★.★