Saturday, March 3, 2012

Time flies~ Saturday!

Time flies really fast!
But I am enjoying every second that I spent!
Happiness is a pill that we need to create and find for ourself^^
I have been staying at KL for about one month! I think I have already adapted to KL' life and is enjoying..hahahaha..
Trying my best on school .
But what about after school??!!
hahahaha...I found love with I enjoy every meal I have...!!
Break time~ we have our break time so me and my friends have our McDonald lunch..^^
Mine was the Filet-O-fish
taste brilliant!!

This is one of my assignment!

Doughnut~~ erm yummy..

My messy study table hehehehe..

Nasi Lemak.

This is my advance function tutorial..we all are hard working^^ hahahaha...

My biology class..we are happy to have our experiment on....but we are sad to write the report.
We have to write every single details..omg....why things start to become more and more complicated??

My breakfast this morning!! wholemeal bread with butter!!!
Having a great start is the most important point for my whole day^^

My aunt cooked curry for us.Damn nice!!
hehehhe...I am watching the Crayon shin while I having my meals
which is the way that I relax myself...

Hope you guys have a wonderful weekends!!

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